Developing world needs an alternative to Chinese tech::In April 2022, the United States launched its “Declaration for the Future of the Internet.” It asserts that human rights and democratic values must remain
Moreover, in a joint statement announcing South Korea’s plan to host the third Summit for Democracy, the United States and Korea promoted “ensuring new and emerging technologies work for, and not against, democratic societies” as a priority.
Does that mean everything has to have a backdoor for the CIA?
“In April 2022, the United States launched[…]” yet another initiative to cut off China in order to maintain sole superpower status in the world because the US love their monopolies (as long as they’re the one with the monopoly). Then they claim they’re doing this for humanitarian reasons. Idiots believe them while thinking they’re immune to propaganda and shout down and downvote anyone on the internet that presents an opposing view.
BRICS nations are going RISC-V - for varied reasons - as quickly as they can (and the EU may well follow suit).
China is a huge producer - if not THE biggest manufacturer - of electronics.
Those two points alone suggest a RISC-V revolution, in BRICS and 3rd-World economies, who like cheaper goods. RISC-V cores have been used in microcontroller roles for a while now, and we’re now seeing RISC-V chips being used as primary processors.
Too bad open source software doesn’t exist