“No one cared who I was until I put on the mask” -Bane
noisy environments like plains, trains and rideshares.
I dunno. Plains are usually pretty isolated and quiet.
I’m out here, on the plains minding my business and this mf sitting out on the grass won’t shutup.
Not if I am there, specially if I am there with my mother.
A product that will allow me to stop hearing loud phone talkers in public? Awesome. Now can I please get a cannon that will fire these onto people’s faces? That’d be greeeeat
I’ve found joining in the conversation works 80% of the time .15% they complain, but it still works. The 5% can get awkward, unless you’re really up for making a new, highly extroverted friend!
I sometimes do this with people walking past my house yammering to someone on their phone. I live in a nice quiet neighborhood and people go out for their walks and just YELL into their headpieces, sometimes with foul language, like they’re in their own world.
But with that asshole on the train I need to be in for the next 40 minutes, it’s a little more awkward.
spacevoice frequency absorber mask no one can hear you scream!I see the old movie kidnapping scene happening but sith this mask instead of a cupped hand to mute the victim
Yeah, I’m unaware how loud I’m being when gaming on voice chat, this would be nice if it were a lower price
Can’t wait to see ceos wearing muzzles.
It’s a ball-gag that uses NFC to communicate with their smart butt plug.
Honestly I am tempting to get one, we will see how they advance and if they lower prices because the ones I saw were plenty expensive.
I just need something mostly for the nights when gaming as my voice tends to involuntary rise when playing with people. That and maybe if I say weird/nasty stuff to friends that somebody could hear…and specially without context could sound terrible.