If you don’t understand that anti-Zionism is antisemitic, then we’ll throw you in the hasbara gulag until you do, even though:
“The will of Israel is the will of all Jewish people and I will not hear arguments otherwise.”
You did a typo i think
I don’t see a typo. Perhaps my satire was too convoluted for its own good.
The issue is that they get used interchangeably so often that there’s really no difference these days. My wife is Jewish, Canadian and has zero interest in politics, Israel or the middle east, which she has never been to. She still gets called out for Israel’s bullshit as if she cares or has anything to do with it
Zionists intentionally tie zionism and Judaism together, endangering non zionist Jewish people.
Can I just be anti-using-guns-to-dispute-opinions?
Antizionism ≠ opposition to the Israeli politics. One can be Zionist and against this genocide, against colonization, against Netanyahu and for a Palestinian state. Antizionism is an opposition to the right of self determination for the Jewish people, and that’s antisemitic.