Nothing could possibly benefit that company as much as Elon Musk getting demotivated and no longer coming in to work.
Tesla getting a new CEO is the only way Tesla is going to win back the demographics that Musk chased away acting like a dumb toddler.
I don’t think you understand just how upset he’s going to be if he doesn’t get 46 billion.
I remember when Bill Gates was the richest person on the planet with $45 billion total and it was covered in all the news. Things have gone more out of control than anyone could’ve imagined.
Grab 5 of the top engineers, sales people, and marketing at the company, double their pay, and grant them a $1,000,000,000 bonus in 5 years time if they beat certain performance metrics. Have them sit on a board as coCEOs and watch true motivation. Kick out the guy that’s demanding 3 times your annual income as “motivational” compensation.
I will stay motivated for only $45 billion.
You cheap bastard…
I’ll do it for three point fiddy billion
Me too. I’ll go first, and if it works, he can do it as well.
Well, so do I. I’d be so god damned motivated for 46 billion.
You better be motivated. Being a CEO is super hard work plus your genius ideas are required to propel the company to record profits.
I can see! Man could you imagine spending a full twenty hours a week socializing with your peers, traveling, or (*gasp*) even exercising!? Why, I’d barely be able to hold it together for my daily hour long “Business meal”!
God knows I’d never be able to soldier through like Musk, constantly promising things like “Mars colony in two years” every year (among other things)while still having the time to spend hours posting “!!” “Concerning” or “XD XD XD” until 3 am on Twitter. Why I probably wouldn’t even have the time to signal boost white supremacists and post dog whistles about we need more babies to stave off “the great replacement”.
Put him on a Starship.
Please pay him so he concentrates on fucking up Tesla and leaves SpaceX alone.