Idk. Flipper0 pretty damn cool and fun. Some one in my neighbor hood is sending packets on 299.999. I’ve caught a few. Just fun stuff trying to figure it out.
Its super battery efficient. Its also super cute and fun to have a tomagatchi type device. I love mine.
Edit: rtfa. These alternatives are cool, and honestly, wifi and bluetooth on the Flipper0 would be great. But none of the mentioned alternatives even remotely compare with regards to the breadth of tools the Flipper0 has. Its an all in one with a cool dolphin companion. I’ll definitely go in for the Flipper1 if its got wifi and bluetooth, but i’d be bummed if it gets much bigger. The package size is great with the flipper 0.
Where do you get one?
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I wouldn’t call any of these alternatives. They all are much more specialized and don’t have the versatility of the flipper. And only one of them is something you’d carry in your pocket.
These are all additional hardware for hacking, but in no way a replacement.