Politicians Are Using Kids As Props To Pass Terrible, Harmful Legislation. Don’t Let Them Get Away With It::Amidst all of the attention paid to last week’s Senate hearing on child safety online, it remains stunning just how little time was actually spent on how to help children online. Instead, we saw pure theatrical nonsense, with Senators insisting (falsely) that these five tech CEOs could magically stop bad things from happening to kids,…

  • General_Effort@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) continues to march through the halls of Congress as though it’s the best thing since sliced bread, even though one of the co-creators of this bill clearly stated that her intention is to protect children from “the transgender” and to prevent “indoctrination” from the LGBT community.

    Historically, “protecting children” was always about oppressing LGBT people and even women. Protecting kids from turning gay or becoming cross-dressers. I’m sure it seems foolish to anyone here, but if you believe that being gay is a choice, it makes sense.

    Comstock Laws, anyone?