Sounds like an article a toothbrush-botnet-hosted AI would generate.
“Thought experiment” = “Made this shit up”
Quick IoT haters, spin this back around. This time make it that the toothbrushes all form into a man sized brush bot that people the brush off.
It was hilarious watching them latch on to it though. If that doesn’t demonstrate that they’re geared for FUD nothing will.
And don’t forget, they’re not owned by the people. They’re not owned by hundreds of different organizations with different ideas. They’re owned by a handful of ultra rich fat (autocorrect but I’m leaving it) far right wing douchebags that do not have the best interests of anyone but themselves in mind ever.
Never heard of it.
Never in my life did I think I’d see an internet connected toothbrush. Why do we need such things…