I dare you to find in your country regulation the part that prevent the individual owner of a house sheep to have it walk in the street.
I dare you to find in your country regulation the part that prevent the individual owner of a house sheep to have it walk in the street.
Wait… Are conservative speaking french or german ?
That’s horrible. Even an engenieur will use 3,14. pi=3, who actually say that ? That can’t be true.
Less pretty more creepy
I am know US people are especially in trouble with the cost of their books but haven’t you never financially suffer from buying copybooks, pens, binders, highlighters, white-outs, pencilcase, pencil, rubber, running shoes, backpack, organisers, coloring pens, ruler (30cm not 20), compass, square and protractor, sharper, scissors, gouache, feuilles simples A4 à grands carreaux, feuilles simple A5 à petits carreaux, agenda, feuilles doubles A4 à grand carreaux feuille Canson blanche A4 180g, trois cahiers à spirales 24-32 avec intercalaires de la marque Claire Fontaine et une calculatrice TI-83 Premium CE ?
I mean if not your parents did, and you will soon. As soon I you leave high school if you continue to study or a soon as you kids reach 3 years old. Have I mention back-to-school clothes and hair cup that might need to be freshen up if the school picture is taken too far from the beginning of the year ?
Not the one, I’ve download unfortunatly. Here is my main source for kaomoji : kaomoji.ru.
Edit : seems like between yesterday and today the site was taken out of the internet. Thank you for the links 'cause I’m gonna need a remplacement site (T_T)
I’m stealing these cute guy. Which keyboard did you use to make it ?
Jo Kang Ja from Angry Mom and her legendary flying kick.