False info. Reported for removal.
Boston area. 30+ years riding the woo woo boo boo bus.
False info. Reported for removal.
I filed free with TT. But, will definitely plan on using the IRS system.
I tried to tell them it was: “Password123”.
They scoffed at me and never tried it.
Fuck that. Tap and pay is just as simple.
Nope. But, it’ll carry a gun for sure.
Hmmm, why? Can’t you get off the ground like a creepy metal spider that could carry a weapon? Good grief.
Screw Meta.
I’m fine with a Lucas. Let’s see a robot thread a 22 gauge into that vein on top of a thumb. Or, carefully extricate a teen with spine injury that is head down under the glove box area. Doubt that’ll be a thing anytime soon.
Huh, lemme know when AI can do all my fancy EMS stuff. Then I’ll worry about it.
Fuck Reddit. Scumbags.
RIP Aaron.
Ha, as if.
My own bag. Hand scanner. Zip through the store while loading my bag. Easy check out. Hell no I don’t want to use the cashier line.
Ahh, yes. Another moment of big business needing to addict and retain customers.
No logical person (we’re desperately running out of them) would have any doubt that tweens/teens are priority targets on EVERY social media platform.
Ha, ain’t happening. StUpid title!
Hell fucking no!
Jizz… you’re allowed to spell it out.
X would never pay any fines. Good luck with that.