Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Were you going to even watch the Olympics on NBC anyhow? Last time it played I tried to watch a few events and it was nothing but ads and profiles of people I don’t care about.

    Like I get you are upset but I don’t know why. For me it’s like hearing some Austrian version of Ticketmaster are being assholes. Ok, I don’t live in Austria and if I did I still probably wouldn’t use whatever version of Ticketmaster they might have there.

    Why is it so important to hear Al Micheals tell you about what you just saw? Do you even have a cable TV subscription?

  • No. That would involve the general public maintaining a consistent position.

    I want knowledge to be free. That means free. That means governments, businesses, NGOs, your local church sewing circle, AIs/LLMs, refugees living in tents, convicts, children, and any other humans or human organizations or anything humans built.

    I am willing to accept a LIMITED duration copyright and patent and private science publication system if it could be reformed such that it the brains behind it were paid and couldn’t legally sign away their compensation. Given that we as a society aren’t willing to build this the best course of action is to actively work to break copyright