Unsurprising. Managers have their own goals in mind and how you fit into them. They don’t care so much about where you end up, but what you can help them with.
ChatGPT just wants to be loved.
This space left intentionally blank.
Unsurprising. Managers have their own goals in mind and how you fit into them. They don’t care so much about where you end up, but what you can help them with.
ChatGPT just wants to be loved.
So does this make the old IBM the new Novell?
And nothing of value was lost…
Not really, have you met people? Sometimes the distance of an internet connection is required to interact socially without crippling anxiety. At least here girls are getting paid to help these people instead of them going out and trying it in the outside.
It’s Bluetooth here, and possibly. Apple was handling a class of pairing attempts poorly. Android could do the same thing. It currently seems like that’s not the case, and there are a lot of eyes looking at what’s open source.
Spoiler: it was greed.