Well its not organic at all. I remember it’d create a Threads account for you even if you interacted with a Threads post while logged into Instagram. Kinda shady to boast about such numbers imo.
Well its not organic at all. I remember it’d create a Threads account for you even if you interacted with a Threads post while logged into Instagram. Kinda shady to boast about such numbers imo.
Sorry, I think I chose the wrong word, I mean Public i.e., not conspiratorial.
This is really great. Wendover Productions made an excellent video about electrification of flights a while ago.
Now the real question is: will world governments allow this Chinese technology into their countries? Protectionism is a valid *public reason to deny it, but I wonder if denying Chinese tech under the guise of national security a last ditch attempt from big oil lobbyists?
Or is that too far fetched and I’m just way to cynical.
Microsoft focused on security at this point is like a builder focusing on building strong foundations now that the house is built on top.
It’s a little too late my dudes.
Wow all those rumors Apple was making a car were true
I feel sorry for website maintainers at this point, they gotta deal with a broken ad supported business model, AI web scrapers, dwindling viewership, and now google modifying their pages without their knowledge. Like people who just want to share interesting stuff with the world and make a living off of their work have to deal with this crap.