Excited for the Blyat Boy Advance
Excited for the Blyat Boy Advance
But who’s playing Clue?
This is also fucking creepy. Don’t do this.
We’re a species that roughly sprouted up 300,000-400,000 years ago. We’ve only had this sort of technology and insight for less than half of a percent of that time.
By all measure, we’re still just dumb apes for the most part. One nice thing is that our brains do seem to be getting bigger over time!
This is so fucking stupid it’s almost painful.
That isn’t art. That’s just commodity.
I haven’t owned a printer in, like, 10 years and I know I’m not an outlier. This sort of shit isn’t necessarily going to bring me back into the fold.
Billionaire’s aren’t people and do not deserve our empathy. I am better. I don’t exploit thousands to hundreds of thousands of people’s lives for my own personal, shortsighted gain.
Why are you sad about this piece of shit? He’d never pay you the same mind.
I revel in the insecurities and smallness of these exploitative, parasitic wastes of air.
I don’t think you understand what the word ‘context’ means.
I’m 34 and never had a driver’s license. Never really needed one and I don’t particularly enjoy driving but happy to say that if you live in one of our larger, denser cities you can get along without ever operating a car.
I’m tired of dopey white men making the world so much worse.
Can’t wait for these demos to be the new Covid epicenters.
It’s just so wonderful that we decided that what we really needed to automate away was the creative work people were doing.
Truly a phenomenal turning point.
We’ve already solved this. We just need to train a team of dysfunctional oil drillers to send up to the asteroid.