<-- explains how to set up the sequential printing in Prusa. <-- Explains the exclude object function in Klipper/Mainsail <-- how to configure Prusa to label objects so mainsail/klipper can individually select and skip them.
Like I mentioned, I have the most experience with Prusa + my Ender3 ( w/ a RPi3/Kilpper & mainsail; and a crtouch sensor) . I’d wager that other slicers could do this too, but I"m not sure of their setup.
I think it’s not widely front-and-center because it’s kinda fiddly, especially with folks with customized printers and there are caveats that can damage the machine or ruin the print if you are not careful. Sadly, I think that some of the more ‘closed’ slicer/printer systems could support it more reliably because the dimensions of the head + arm are much better known and the tool path can be planned much more precisely.