I would suffer a stroke and more, too, if my country wanted to deport my ass to a third world country like the USA.
I would suffer a stroke and more, too, if my country wanted to deport my ass to a third world country like the USA.
You don’t need tinfoil to realize we live in a technology dystopia. All of our privacy and data is sold to the highest bidder. Even if it’s illegal, as long as it turns a profit higher than any sanctions.
If you can live without games having invasive anticheat, then everything should be doable, and probably a lot easier than in Windows.
Imagine where the software industry would be without all the lost productivity because of MSIE quirks.
First at least make sure the poor sod does not have a family!
I concur. I hope this goes to court and the judge throws those patents out.
Most likely after rebooting but before unlocking the decryption key is not present in memory in plaintext.
What’s Arrrr suite specifically?
What kind of setup do you guys use to sail the high seas?
I don’t know what kind of architecture web.archive.org has, but when it was offline, I thought that we should really have something distributed that would allow people to store and host a copy of all websites that are important for them.
Mostly FICSIT, though.
Can a family have more than two adults?
Can’t really recommend it though, but it seems to be pretty popular.
I should probably get around to continuing Witcher 3. I just have a mental issue with quests and choices blocking other quests that I just end up reading the wiki. Help me.