Jump to 27 minute mark for the talk with jonathan haidt. Jump to 27 minute mark for the talk with jonathan haidt.
How often depends on how much work it is to recreate, or the consequences of loosing data.
Some systems do not have real data locally, get a backup every week. Most get a nightly backup. Some with a high rate of change , get a lunch/middle of the workday run.
Some have hourly backups/snapshots, where recreating data is impossible. CriticL databases have hourly + transaction log streaming offsite.
How long to keep a history depends on how likely an error can go unnoticed but minimum 14 days. Most have 10 dailes + 5 weeky + 6 monthly + 1 yearly.
If you have paper recipes and can recreate data lost easily. Daily seems fine.
Have used linux almost exclusivly since 1999. Simply because it is the better system.
I use steam, since games just work without fiddeling, or a very easy refund.
Should never have gotten down from the trees
They saw the the writing on the wall, and turned colours as soon as they saw they were fighiting a loosing battle.
I would assume, you have a standard text. That you handwrite. Then scan, so that the 3d printer can write in your handwriting!
All that for nobody to be able to read my crappy handwriting ;)
been using vim daily for 22 years. condolences to the family. :wq
Goverments (depending on juristiction) have laws requiering isp’s to keep track of cgnat port combos. So not only is there no privacy from ipv4 cgnat. Now the isp must also spend a lot of money on the nat state tracking database.
If you need that kind of privacy, use a vpn and the tor onion network.