My whole empire, made almost entirely of parts scavenged from roadside signs. (not a single fan on the whole setup)
My whole empire, made almost entirely of parts scavenged from roadside signs. (not a single fan on the whole setup)
The obvious point being that if they’re not going to even run their own mail server, they won’t run their own fediverse server.
“that’s the great part – you don’t!”
But Honestly, it’d be pretty damn cool. I wouldn’t be too surprised to find they don’t even run their own mail server though.
It’s one of the biggest problems of the whole 3d printing ecosystem that so many people are relying on software like fusion or tinkercad that could shut down, lose its free option, and see massive price increases on subscription software.
I wish I could wrap my head around freecad, but we’re just not there yet and we may never be. I feel like it or something like it must be our future because until we have a full libre software chain we’re living on borrowed time.
I could swear there was already a modern warfare 3? Or is this another berenstain bears moment?
That is showing the model, but you can press the print preview button and it should show you how it will print. If that was just a superfluous polygon that wouldn’t print, it’ll show up in the print preview.
The saddest thing is that with the destruction of the media over the past 20 years, I’m still waiting to hear whether it’s actually any good or not.
Absolutely, but at least they made a few games before shutting down the good studios!
I don’t think anyone expected them to go full EA before going full EA.
Honestly, I’ve been considering minetest the real successor to minecraft. It’s just really decent, and it doesn’t have all the risks of minecraft being controlled by someone else including opening the game being gatekept by their centralized servers.
The two top ones host invidious, searx, and yacy on one and lotide (what I’m talking to you on) and matrix on the other, they both have Intel Atom D2550s. The bottom one has an Intel Core i5-4570TE, and hosts basically everything else including my reverse proxy server.
At some point I’d like to move to low-end ryzen embeddeds, because they are either as powerful or more powerful than anything I have and remain fanless, but one step at a time (and finding something that powerful that’s inexpensive and scavenged from a roadside sign is tough sometimes)