I don’t know man. I mean, if you assume that the people that were doing the art, music, code, etc, that’s being stolen were not going to get paid anyway then yeah. If they were doing shit just for love they may continue, and with new toys lol.
But I don’t think that’s a good assumption. Even if not a lot, sone people do get paid for this kind of work. And now they will not get paid anymore. And maybe that’s leveling the playing field. Or maybe that’s telling people with talent to stop doing what they do well. Probably both. But at the end of the day we are going to see less art made by people and more done by “AI”, much more done by “AI”.
And that’s the biggest problem IMO, for most people art is social and part of the reward is the recognition we get from other people when we do good art. But with AI that’s gone, on the internet at least. The sea or superficially good but mediocre shit we are already seeing is going to kill a lot of indie art.
And then there is hallucinations which seem unsolvable … and the environmental damage … and the labor practices abuses … and their monopolization of the technology … and their missleading marketing … I honestly just see so much damage and almost no benefit, yet … maybe some day it all will pay off, I don’t see it
I looove how the people at Google are so dumb that they forgot that anything resembling real intelligence in ChatGPT is just cheap labor in Africa (Kenya if I remember correctly) picking good training data. So OpenAI, using an army of smart humans and lots of data built a computer program that sometimes looks smart hahaha.
But the dumbasses in Google really drank the cool aid hahaha. They really believed that LLMs are magically smart so they feed it reddit garbage unfiltered hahahaha. Just from a PR perspective it must be a nigthmare for them, I really can’t understand what they were thinking here hahaha, is so pathetically dumb. Just goes to show that money can’t buy intelligence I guess.