Or you separate the infra from the provider. So all fiber is put into company A and the service offering is done by companies that buy capacity on the lines.
Regulate the shit out of the infra company and let the service offering co pa iets compete. You will see datacaps disappear and prices drop in no time.
Or you separate the infra from the provider. So all fiber is put into company A and the service offering is done by companies that buy capacity on the lines.
Regulate the shit out of the infra company and let the service offering co pa iets compete. You will see datacaps disappear and prices drop in no time.
This would fix a boatload of issues and break down Verizon/Comcast into service vs infrastructure companies.
It will never happen.
Both companies would put forth a staggering amount of money into lobbying to kill this on top of all the politicians they already “donated” to.
It’s sickening.