Ah yes, the Blyatbox. I guess we’re going back to cold war era Russia where all their stuff is just worse blatantly reverse engineered copies of stuff from other countries. Makes sense, Putin for some reason has really had a hard-on for recreating cold war era Russia.
stuff is just worse blatantly reverse engineered copies
The reason they only had reverse-engineered copies is because the bigwigs at the CPSU decided that the workers didn’t need personal computers, despite the fact that all the computer research facilities in the USSR (of which there were plenty) recommended that they do.
If the USSR had thrown it’s weight behind personal computing we could have had some interesting shit.
Ternary computing is some serious alt-history fodder.
Excited for the Blyat Boy Advance
Guess they can’t keep buying Xbox controllers fpr their drones. So they create a console to get kids to play video games and natively learn the new controller they will eventually use on the battlefield
I hate how accurate you are. There’s no other reason it would be government backed ESPECIALLY during war time where they’re pissing money away and losing their soldiers left and right without be able to fill the open spots.
From what I hear, the war spending is still pretty low, all things considered. This could just be another autarky subsidy.
Blyatstation is going to be a huge success, trust me.
The Dendy Deck is the most exciting console ever made! I am totally not being held at gunpoint in front of a window right now!
Rosconsole is best Russian console! Play exciting Russian video games!
• Is Drink Borscht Contest
• Vote for Putin
• Call of Russian Duty: Freed Maximum Security Prisoner Ops
• Tetris
• Federation of International Bandy Jam
• Soviet Food Line Simulator
I’m genuine curious if it’s any good.
Russians are kinda EE experts. If anyone’s gonna resolder their GPU…
In orbanistan (hungary) occuppied by soviets for 40 years (but even today orban is in the pocket of putin), we have a joke: “the problem with soviet/russian microelectronics: the product does not fit through the factory gate”
I will believe it when I see it. Who will be making games for them, I wonder.