I just want oursignal.com back
I just want oursignal.com back
Won’t someone please think of the shareholders?!!
Whenever Google launches a product or service wait at least 5 years before even trying it to see if they’re serious, got it
Man, you really can’t beat homemade artisanal misinformation
Considering Android hasn’t fully implemented DHCPv6? Yes
Yep. Default is to not reply to DNS outside the subnet it’s in, and it would randomly flip back to that
Tried it bare metal on a Pi 4 and as a VM. I have my LAN using the space and I couldn’t have DNS breaking all the time
Tried that, it just reverts back after a few weeks :/
I wish PiHole wasn’t so absolute dogshit about DNS requests from outside the local subnet, might use it then
If you weren’t getting rid of Wyze devices before the Wyzecam v1 fiasco where they lied, this is a great time to do so. Unplug your Wyze stuff and hit 'em right in the metrics
First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized Makes It True