I have to use for work, because all our customer only uses chrome or chrome-based browser :(
Wubbadubbadubba, 'zat true?
I have to use for work, because all our customer only uses chrome or chrome-based browser :(
More competition is always a good thing
Btw I love The Register’s title; they are usually so fun
Underwear in the bin, pants have to be cleaned thoroughly
This was me when I took IELTS (I lost the battle)
Edit: but well I got a okay grade on IELTS so I kinda no longer care that my pants smell like shit
“wE VAlue prOviDING oUR CuStomERs With CHOice, So THerE IS An OPtIoN to DisMiss tHE NOTiFiCATiON” - Microsoft responding to Windows Latest regarding this
When HP requires HP Smart account to print, the brand was already dead to me
Also any recommendation for printers?
EDIT: damn, I think I am going to get a Brother Laser Printer in the future
Glad I moved away from Spotify to Apple Music years ago (for different reasons tho)