It’s cold and the metal shrinks more than the glass, run hot water over it.
It’s cold and the metal shrinks more than the glass, run hot water over it.
A Short Sale position is actually a risk and if people know you’re doing it they will ride you to the bank by buying up as many shares as they can and force you to pay them when your deadline to repay the borrowed shares comes up.
WSB might be the butt of a lot of jokes but they have (in the past at least) analysts and insights that rival top investment firms, not reflecting of the average participants performance. A much more logical decision would be to inflate the price at launch and then when it reaches a critical state ride it (short sell) into the ground as it panic sells into penny stocks.
The Multiverse really ruined this show.
Entry level average salary for Game Designers is around 50K USD, or $24 Per Hour equivalent, veteran positions make over 100k USD. For artists that number is even higher, from 60k to 120k.
In the last 3 years alone Indie games have gone from about 10% of the market to 20%. The game market as a whole has been seeing massive growths. There has never been a better time to abandon the corporate overlords and make your own games with small teams and studios.
often requires biting the bullet and doing something like working for a big soulless company
No, it really doesn’t. People who chose that path in the last few years made a very clear mistake. A decent enough artist to get hired by Triple A can absolutely get plenty of work elsewhere, and it’s getting easier every day.
The original Divinity was Divine Divinity 2002 and it was extremely Diablo-esque, also very similar to the original Fallout games in that it was open world with various dungeons to explore. Over the decades they diversified a bit.
In ancient China they played The Cycle of Life, Death, and the Five Elements but it became so convoluted and toxic everybody left the community.
All of the promotional footage I’ve seen for it looked indiscernible from PoE 1 gameplay and graphics but maybe that’s due to ongoing development.
You might like the Divinity series.
For me it was a very short experience, but it’s got online coop.
PoE 2 announced a couple years ago and should be launching soon, pretty much the same stuff on a new engine.
It’s hard to feel pity for the creatives who sign on to work for the huge evil megacorps.
I don’t know what all the hate is about,
Allow me to inform you. It’s an EA Game which is supposedly Singleplayer Wizards Call of Duty and it cost at launch $125 USD. When it released to mixed reviews and low sales numbers they laid off half the staff.
Technically, it’s not treason unless it helps a country that the US is officially at war with. It’s Sedition and Election Interference by US Legal Definition.
No Duh
It’s litterally just another Chromium except with Hardware Acceleration capability that Google Chrome lacks. You can’t watch real 1080p Netflix on Google Chrome in 90% of desktops.
“Why are we spending so much on data security and oversight?”
“What…? What the fuck are you asking…? Those are integral for our work.”
“Can we reduce the need for added security measures by putting a physical layer in place? Like in the old days.”
“No? Especially not while everybody works from home, ha ha ha… ha…”
If you read further they also tested many other much more vague prompts, all of which gave intellectual properties they did not have the rights to. The Joaquin Phoenix image isn’t any less illegal, either, though because they don’t have the legal rights to profit off of that IP without permission or proper credit.
If you copy work without giving credit to it’s source then you’re the asshole, the rules shouldn’t be any different for AI.
If you ask your friend to draw something with a vague prompt then I like to think you’ll get something original more often than not, which is what the article discusses in depth: the AI will return copyrighted characters almost every time.
Either lots of pull-up bar related exercises, like hang-toughs, towel-pulls, and L-sits, or these things