How do you deal with the slowdown? It ruins late game for me
How do you deal with the slowdown? It ruins late game for me
Project Zomboid, Valheim
No one tell Nintendo about Yarisute Mesubuta…
Proteins and starch interact with heat differently? Crazy world bruh.
The answer is dont inflate your stock price by cramming the latest tech du jour in to your flagship product… but we all know thats not an option.
Why would you pay full-price for the game then? Sales are constant, games do not hold their value. If you are a developer that is bothered by this, I suggest you stop working for EA
Lol Google is going to die by their own hands
Dont fight girls, I’ll pull it off both of you
Trust and believe, the Baltimore port shutting down for a year will affect plenty of US trade, maybe not on the scale of the panama canal but still… this meme sells it short.
sounds like a ripe opportunity for YOLO Stock Option Puts
Lol its absurd to claim ownership of training data. You didnt create or license it to begin with!
There is just no reason why Reddit’s CEO was making almost 200 million dollars other than short-sighted greed. They weren’t even paying him stock options: just straight cash out of the coffers.
Peak player count was less than 800 players on steam… Flop is an understatement.
Those 100 workers EA laid off dont deserve to be thrown in the trash; why dont the execs take a nice paycut instead?
Lol, as if anime piracy wasn’t already rampant and easy as shit to do.
Equal rights are a threat to hegemony. Losing hegemony is scary for the privileged, as it is status quo.
Textbook narcissist play. Expect everyone around you stand at attention to make your dreams happen. Maybe if you offered tangible rewards like bonuses and pay increases instead of vague promises of “exceptional reward” then people would work harder for you. Also, studies prove time and again that working excessive hours leads to diminishing returns. Also, throwing a fucking baby tantrum when a burned-out employee makes a mistake is a great way to lose talent.
Heard a few gems in STALKER 2 “Better a lousy peace than an awesome gunfight”